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A new pandemic

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dutch Josh 2 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 28 Feb 2025 at 12:27am or ;

Nowhere in Gelderland does the air quality meet the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO). In the municipalities of Beuningen, Tiel and Westervoort, the air is the worst, according to research by the journalism platform Pointer. In order to keep a close eye on air quality, environmental services in Gelderland will deploy mobile measuring stations in the coming years.
Those who breathe dirty air run an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, asthma and lung cancer, according to a report published in 2021 by the GGD on Gelderland's air quality. "One in six strokes in the province can be attributed to air pollution. And one in seven children with asthma would not suffer from this if there were no air pollution," the GGD writes in the report.
According to this report, residents in Gelderland die on average 10.5 months earlier than if there were no air pollution.


At the neighborhood level, the worst air quality in Gelderland, according to Pointer, can be found in the Verspreide Huizen Hoeven district in Zaltbommel. This is a district south of the city center along the A2 motorway. The districts of De Dreven in Ede and Eimersweide in Arnhem also score poorly. The relatively least unhealthy air can be found in the forests of Vierhouten in the Veluwe.

First measuring station in Lunteren

The Omgevingsdienst Regio Arnhem (ODRA), together with the province of Gelderland, will install mobile measuring stations at sixteen different locations over the next five years to measure air quality. In February, the first mobile measuring station was installed in Lunteren. The Village Council there made a case for the placement of the station.

DJ, Alcohol, smoking tobacco does cause cancer-still most governments get that much money out of tax over these kinds of products they are not very serious in stopping these health risks...

Even worse..if people die before retirement -still at the end of "productive" years it may "save" costs...

Here in NL the average working week may be 32-36 hours per week...a month holliday...However people are supposed to keep working untill 67-70 y/o...A record short working week is mixed with a record high retirement age...

Since life expectency in NL is 80 (male) 83 (female) -with some luck the average retirement time of life may be 10 to 15 years...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dutch Josh 2 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Mar 2025 at 11:20pm
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#H5N1 ➡️ Indiana bird flu cases explode, killing chickens, sandhill cranes, other waterfowl - "This particular strain is behaving differently than every other strain has in the past" By Karl Schneider or ;

Eli Fleace, an avian health biologist with Indiana’s Department of Natural Resources, said reports of dying sandhill cranes have been rolling in since January. Dead sandhills have been found this year in Union, Greene, Jasper, Newton, LaPorte and Stark counties, and DNR estimates roughly 1,500 have died across the state.

Snow geese, Canada geese, red-breasted mergansers, common goldeneyes and mallards have also died due to avian influenza, Fleace said. The bird flu has been found in at least one Bald Eagle and a handful of hawks and owls that can pick up the disease by scavenging on carcasses of infected birds.

“Avian influenza has been around since ducks have been around and we’ve had these outbreaks in the past,” Fleace said. “But it’s usually not this dramatic and often they go away after one season. This particular strain is behaving differently than every other strain has in the past.”

The current strain of bird flu (H5N1 clade, which was identified in 2021, is highly contagious and has persisted for multiple seasons, Fleace said. It is now widespread across the landscape, Fleace said, and bird populations will need to work through the disease and build up a stronger immunity.

DJ, The H5N1 problem;
-Is a GLOBAL problem
-Has been going on for several YEARS !!!
-Did start in wild birds but has been spreading in other hosts also the last 3-4 years

DJ, H5N1 has its own dynamics/evolution. 

The CoViD immunity damage in many hosts for also all kinds of flu did give H5N1 (etc) more room for "evolution".

Viruses need a host for reproduction. H5N1 may now have found HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of possible hosts (only 8,2 billion are humans). 

It also will mix with lots of other flu(like) viruses; H3N2-flu + H5N1=H5N2 has been detected...H7, H9, H10 types of flu also widespread...(and show up in human hosts from time to time). 
CoViD is NOT over...lots of other diseases "mix/co-spread" with the flu...Measles disrupt (further) immunity, TB, Mpox...they may "all welcome a decrease in immunity protection" in MANY hosts...

So cats catching H5N1 from raw-infected-cat food are just another segment of the group of hosts...

In wild animals TWO groups;
-Ducks, Geese etc. do NOT develop symptoms after infection-still spread H5N1 (for some time).
-Chicken (cattle, cats) do get (neurological) symptoms...a lot of them die...

Reality is "it just started" and is that widespread the best "defense" is keeping diseases out of hosts...mouth-nose-eyes covered...

Ventilation may spread the virus into the surroundings...

Other usefull/needed steps is reduction of farm animal (hosts/reservoir). You can wait till they catch H5N1/disease or plan to kill them now...If you slaughter healty animals they may still be eatable...If there is enough freezing capacity (on a ship in polar waters ?) the meat may still bring up some money...

But that would need a very active government...The general trend is denial...

"Saving the economy" during the early (2020,2021) years of CoViD may destroy (by a.o. Long CoViD, immunity damage) that economy later on...

But "learning anything" may be an optimistic view on humanity...

DJ, I feel very sorry for those trying to comfort H5N1 infected chickens they love...Animals do have feelings...But an infected chicken, cat, dog is a very major health risk...

"Comfort with care"; mask up, eye protection, clean up clothes...A dying animal may spread viruses all over you...And some viruses may still spread disease days later...

UV-from the sun-may kill some of the viruses...Disposable overalls -burned after useage- may be wiser...

By now H5N1 and CoViD are beyond containment. It will get worse...
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DJ, Measles also showing up a.o. in Europe...Carnaval/carnival will see lots of diseases getting more room for spread... or 

DJ, For now CoViD numbers in NL are at a low point...this only means new CoViD variants will bring another CoViD wave within a few weeks...

The more infections the more immunity damage...Also Long CoViD may be a 10% risk after a first infection, going to 25% after a third infection...

Lots of other diseases around...In fact the number of health risks for humans/mammals may be endless... or has "moderate excess deaths"(+4-7%) for NL in week 7...Comparing excess deaths in all age groups with the 2019 base line indicating excess deaths -in ALL age groups- still above the "pre-pandemic/2019" level...

Lots of CoViD/Flu complications may see people dying from hearth, brain, lung, kidney problems...So "mild" CoViD kills in other ways...

Type "B" flu still may increase..Type "A" (H3N2 etc) in many places decreasing (for now). 
Type "C" and "D" are supposed to see "a cold" in humans...however a cold could become pneumonia...(so how "mild" are types C and D-flu ?)

By now we may simply not know what is killing who...Most of the excess deaths may have had CoViD, flu...possibly other healthissues...And a lot of "statistics" may be based on very limited testing...Most "Flu-Rona" cases may be missed...

In the US H5N1 may have seen hundreds of human cases in 2024...most "mild eye infection"...however for the virus a way to further improve human spread...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dutch Josh 2 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13 hours 59 minutes ago at 11:26pm
DJ, While the world may push more money to more wars pandemic risks keep increasing;

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BREAKING: Expert Warns H5N1 Bird Flu Could Spark Next Global Pandemic as Virus Spreads Across Birds, Mammals, and Humans.
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David Quammen warns H5N1 is the top pandemic threat, rapidly spreading in birds and mammals. Experts fear a global crisis if it mutates for human transmission.

DJ, Again-H5N1 is a global problem
-It can be a direct risk; H5N1 flu going human-to-human on a high level
-It can be a "flu-rona" risk...H5N1 most in people already dealing with CoViD
-It can mix with H1N1/H3N2 other tupes of flu (resulting in H5N2, H5N9 both already seen in humans on a very limited scale). 

H1N1 infection in the past/flu vaccines may offer some protection against H5N1 (the N! part is more or less the same). However-also limited indications (US cattle) H5N1 may re-infect...(or did the catlle not see proper testing-was there still H5N1 around ???). 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dutch Josh 2 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13 hours 54 minutes ago at 11:31pm

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Fifty percent of children dying before puberty was once the cost of living. The question isn’t just how we got here, but how easily we could go back.
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Oregon has dysentery outbreaks in 2025. We’re really speedrunning history at this point. Maybe we should stop regressing?

DJ, Cholera, TB, malaria were major problems in "the west" less then a hundred years ago...Government interventions limited the risks...

From vaccines, good sewage to drying up swamps...Improve testing/monitoring/sequencing...

Neo-liberalism does see this kind of public healthcare as "unwelcome waste of tax money"...politics-for-sale is an enemy of public health...

We did see laws around 1900 in most of Europe on people did get a right to GOOD healthier houses...Neo-liberalism ignoring history may end up in the dark even science...Going for endless insane wars...
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Swine/pig corona-virus was detected in Haiti-children in 2015...Delta-cron-recombination may be around...A human and a swine Corona-virus mix...

The Thailand Medical News has a lot of links...

(Why MERS was not named SARS-CoV-2 ???)
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