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A new pandemic

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    Posted: 11 Nov 2024 at 10:38pm
DJ, the west now is ruined/ruled by neo-fascist (calling themselves neo-conservatives/neo-liberals) that seem to welcome diseases killing the "old and weak"....Idiots like trump, meloni, macron, wilders simply do not understand-or care-how pandemics may kill younger healthier population... or ;

Negative-sense (3′-to-5′) viral RNA is complementary to the viral mRNA, thus a positive-sense RNA must be produced by an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from it prior to translation. Like DNA, negative-sense RNA has a nucleotide sequence complementary to the mRNA that it encodes; also like DNA, this RNA cannot be translated into protein directly. Instead, it must first be transcribed into a positive-sense RNA that acts as an mRNA. Some viruses (e.g. influenza viruses) have negative-sense genomes and so must carry an RNA polymerase inside the virion.

DJ, H5N1 is a "negative-sense" RNA virus...CoViD is a "positive-sense" RNA virus...

I am NOT any kind of expert...but if negative sense RNA virusses-like flu-need positive sense RNA "partners" (like CoViD)...can "Flu-Rona" become one disease ? 

A flu-virus co-spreading "that close" to CoViD -that catching one of them "invites the other"? 

DJ-I am NOT any kind of expert...just trying to get a basic understanding (and not to write to much non-sense...) . 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dutch Josh 2 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 Nov 2024 at 10:49pm
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More Canadians have died from Covid than in WWI and WWII combined. So if you are wearing a poppy, but not a mask…?

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As the increased threat of H5N1 hits the news, I’m reupping my piece about how govt propaganda threw public health itself under the bus in order to normalize recurrent COVID infections.

link; or ;

Institutional COVID denial has killed public health as we knew it. Prepare to lose several centuries of progress.

Public health cannot be individualized. Abandoning collective approaches to disease mitigation is a recipe for disaster.


If you live in a rich country, you’re probably not going to get cholera from your drinking water. The state accepts the responsibility of waterborne disease elimination as an obvious duty of governance, and the state and the collective then benefit from a healthier population, more able to participate in the economy and work.

Let’s say tomorrow the US government decided to stop cleaning our water supply. President Joe Biden or one of his minions gets on TV and says “cholera has been defeated, it’s over, and we need to get back to normal. We can’t live in fear of cholera forever- we need to live our lives!” Massive cholera outbreaks ensue, and people are quietly told they can (pay out of pocket) for private water filtration systems. Those who do pay this burdensome individual tax are told they are living in fear and mocked by those who do not. People with cholera are pushed by their employers to come to work anyway, and CDC guidance reduces cholera isolation to one day, whether or not you’re still symptomatic or infectious.

DJ, "living with the virus" -when Corona-virusses are known to be impossible to control in farm outbreaks- is (bojo-like) stupidity...

H5-types of flu are increasing high speed-in all kinds of hosts(animals) worldwide...Not "only" H5N1, also H5N5, H5N6, H5N8...Certainly in mammals also CoViD-variants by now are widespread...

Some species get very ill from H5 and/or CoViD...others do NOT get ill...simply spread diseases without any symptomes themselves...

If you-for "political reasons" give up on public health you are opening the doors to a new pandemic...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dutch Josh 2 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 Nov 2024 at 11:02pm or 

DJ-The Spanish Flu/H1N1 may have killed up to 5% of the global population between 1917-1923...from a history perspective this was a "mild pandemic"....

In the list-in the link some pandemics may have killed 60-80% of a population (Roman Empire, Mexico, Japan...) 

In the "pandemic triangle" you need a disease (D)-a host (H) and transport (T) to get the disease into the host;

  D - H

It becomes a triangle because a host is spreading the disease/transport...

-Compared to historical pandemics "things did change";

The number of hosts, speed of transport did increase....There may be 4-5 times as many people in 2024 then there were in 1917-1923 the last "real" pandemic...

Both CoViD and HIV/AIDS may have killed tens-of-millions, however the global human population is 8,2 billion...So if CoViD would have killed 40 million it would <0,5% of the global population...

The ruling fascist political order puts the economy above those "old and weak"..."just let them die..."

Also "catching the disease creates immunity"...may work for most types of does NOT work that way for CoViD !
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dutch Josh 2 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 Nov 2024 at 11:17pm
To continue with or ;

We can’t talk about how we got to total state abandonment on COVID without discussing the billions of dollars that went into disinformation campaigns, pushing people to think of public health as an individual responsibility. Sure, liberals were easily able to call out Trump-era minimizing and their subsequent anti-vaccination rhetoric.

 But what about the mild-mannered TV news-platformed “experts” and unqualified reporters who continually pushed lines like “personal risk tolerance”, “you do you,” “back to normal,” “we have to live life,” “only vulnerable people are at risk,” and that old chestnut, “we can’t live in fear”? (I truly can’t overstate how much demanding clean air and clean water is not “living in fear” but simply expecting the bare minimum of a democratic society to which we pay taxes and refusing to be a bootlicker for billionaire talking points.)

DJ, the next pandemic is a political choice...(not even the outcome of "bad decissions"-when you give up on spending enough on GOOD public health-because the only thing that maaters is profit-you decide to accept next pandemics...for very wrong reasons...).

"Getting rid of a burden to society" is genocide by pandemic. 

The Spanish Flu did kill a lot of young people-with strong immunity reactions...because if co-infection with other diseases did not kill them their over-recation or did kill a lot of them...

Older people may NOT have such a strong immunity any longer...but fascists politicians do hate facts/science...
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One Health is an approach calling for "the collaborative efforts of multiple disciplines working locally, nationally, and globally, to attain optimal health for people, animals and our environment", as defined by the One Health Initiative Task Force (OHITF).[2] It developed in response to evidence of the spreading of zoonotic diseases between species and increasing awareness of "the interdependence of human and animal health and ecological change".[3]: 205 [4] 

In this viewpoint, public health is no longer seen in purely human terms.[5][6] 

Due to a shared environment and highly conserved physiology, animals and humans not only suffer from the same zoonotic diseases but can also be treated by either structurally related or identical drugs. For this reason, special care must be taken to avoid unnecessary or over-treatment of zoonotic diseases, particularly in the context of drug resistance in infectious microbes.[7]

DJ, In practice there is NO mandatory testing in the US for H5N1 in cattle...Since "it only is an eye infection" many farm workers (some without a good legal status-ill=out of the job/income) do not get tested while they did catch H5N1 from infected cattle, poultry...(or co-workers ???) .


But "economy/profits first/only" is ignoring tens of millions of animals with CoViD, flu or a combination of both...Both CoViD and flu are NOT ONLY a human health issue...

The basic idea/science behind "One Health" is the realization that what happens in one species may affect other species...

DJ...but again..."science is in the way of profits"...profits=donors for "politics for sale"...
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Imagine describing an unprecedented attack on and dismantling of public transit resources and a leftist telling you, “yeah, but what can we do? People can always buy a car.” That’s the situation we find ourselves in with COVID- not only are we not winning, we aren’t even fighting. Not only are we not protecting people, we aren’t even outraged. To engage with the reality of this crisis, we need to understand how adopting an individualist approach to public health is destroying decades of labor activism, human rights progress, and hard-won protections.

The history of public health in this country and around the world is the history of disease eradication, mitigation, suppression, and prevention. The name of the public health body currently pushing “you do you” as a strategy is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, for God’s sake.

 It’s not the Center for Diseases Are Fine and Go About Your Day. It was initially founded in 1946 as the Communicable Disease Center with a mandate to eliminate malaria. Not ignore. Not “learn to live with.” Eliminate. A word that, four years into the disaster capitalist response that took neoliberal abandonment to new heights, cannot even be uttered aloud anymore.

DJ, everything "public" is presented as "bad""a burden to the rich donor-class"....

Public education was seen as a way to push forward a the interest of ALL of us !
Somehow we returned to a 19th century view of "good education for a small elite" a complex society that choice-in itself-is insane...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dutch Josh 2 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 Nov 2024 at 11:37pm

For several years, when minimizers downplayed consistent findings of post-COVID immune damage, they stated that were we experiencing large-scale immune dysfunction, we’d expect to see spiking fungal infectionsspiking bacterial infectionsworsening viral outbreakspneumonias and other opportunistic infections. We are now seeing all of these effects internationally, yet minimizers continue to turn a blind eye and the press continues to push “your kid wore masks in 2020” as the explanation.

We are even beginning to see large resurgences of previously-eliminated-in-rich-countries viruses like measles. Lack of vaccination is a culprit; so is normalizing sending sick kids to schools, telling parents kids need to get sick to be healthy, denying people paid sick leave, and kicking kids’ immune systems in the teeth multiple times a year.

DJ...immunity damage after CoViD may still not be fully understood...however statistics for lots of other diseases go up...From TB to measles...There may be CoViD links to types of cancer...

Besides that often the CoViD-corona virus does "stay behind" in organs of the host...Can get reactivated/triggered (for instance by catching the flu...) . 

Unless we change course urgently- unless we fight back against the normalization of constant illness and the individualization of a critical public good- we are going to see a long, slow, across-the-board decline in health and life expectancy amid increasingly uncontrollable disease outbreaks and overwhelmed hospital systems. I haven’t even gotten into the damage COVID does to blood vessels, kidneys, livers, brains, and hearts, how it can trigger autoimmune diseases and reactivate latent pathogens; all of that information can be found elsewhere on this site. But the reality is that our kids will be continually reinfected with COVID while navigating the return of measles and other vaccine-controlled diseases, while being told there is zero technology that can protect them and zero reason to protect them, while contracting flu and RSV more frequently and with worse severity.

This is not 1824. It is 2024. We have the technology and knowledge to mitigate disease spread. Let’s fight for a future that is safer, better, and healthier than the world we grew up in, rather than sicker, crueler, and technologically regressed. If we don’t face reality and understand what we’re sacrificing right now, the next generation certainly will.

DJ, Maybe in 1824 people realized the very real risks of pandemics...It seems "no one cares" any longer in 2024...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dutch Josh 2 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 Nov 2024 at 11:42pm
DJ, So if "Flu-Rona" most likely will become the/a next pandemic-how bad can it get ? 

The "welcome" effect of catching a flu is it results in immunity against that flu-after infection-in a healthy host....

CoViD however weakens/destroys with a bit of bad luck one may NOT get (much)  immunity protection against (simillar types of) flu.....And again-by now-we may see already different types of flu developing in species around the world...
There may be-by now-over 1 million CoViD-19/SARS-2 variants...

The potential number of hosts for CoViD and Flu may run in the hundreds of billions...from mice to camels...

I do not even start SARS-3...CoViD-24...By now CoViD may have developed so many sub-types/variants we may already be dealing with "SARS-3"...SARS-4 etc...

We have "given up" on science-to "maximize profits" but are destroying the planet by doing so...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dutch Josh 2 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 12 Nov 2024 at 1:57am
DJ, there are several mechanisms to stop/slow down pandemics;

-Science, public healthcare, a good sewage system, hygiene may have made the difference between high number of people (most children) dying from disease in the 19th century and the -sometimes doubled life expectency- (in western countries) in the (late) 20th century...

-Some diseases-like flu-are "self limiting. One gets a disease can not infect a second time...Some diseases kill the host fast enough to limit spread...

-The problem however is getting bigger when healthcare runs out of capacity (by defunding it-or to much demand).

A "new pandemic" could NOT be limited by -defunded- public healthcare, "herd/group" immunity or running out of potential hosts...

One of the problems in a pandemic discussion may be "wishfull thinking". The idea "a pandemic will do limited damage" "only kill the old and weak" is unrealistic...

Pandemics still can kill a lot of its hosts...since diseases by now did spread to many species. Viruses need hosts for reproduction...but "losing human hosts" may not be a problem for a virus(mix) however may end humans... 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dutch Josh 2 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 12 Nov 2024 at 10:27pm
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The Best Way To Stop A Human Bird Flu Pandemic Would Be For Everyone To Catch It Quickly So We All Become Immune.


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The current Covid wave in England continues to slowly decrease, but the risk of meeting an infected person in your everyday life remains High. Covid infection levels in England have fallen to around 1 in every 154 people infected as of 10 November.

DJ... or 

Lots of questions on the -very serious- Canade H5 infection in a teenager. 
- Is it H5N1 or maybe H5N2 ? 
-How did he get it ? 
-Did he have a CoViD history/co-infection (is it being tested) ? 

DJ-A dog he had contact with some symptoms but tested negative. or ...

My view; In this B.C./Canada case testing for the type of "bird"flu (H5N1 or H5N2 or ?) is taking time but expected to give some result...

However lots of spread of both flu and CoViD in mammals (including humans)  may be missed...The main reason "governments do not want to know/bad for profits"....

On top of that testing may become harder...Say one finds a unable to detect a flu-type...But the detected CoViD-variant in general is believed to bring only "mild" symptoms (in the age group) ...

Prior exposure to (H1N1/H3N2) flu offers (some)  protection-it looks like-against (some) H5N1 (H5N2 etc.) variants...So younger people may develop more serious illness/die...
Flu season just started...CoVid testing -even in sewage- may not provide all the info needed to get a realistic view...(some variants are missed in the testing ???) 

Both flu and CoViD keeps spreading and developing new variants/mutations...Co-infection in mammals/humans "Flu-Rona" will be happening on a limited scale...

DJ-My NON EXPERT (!!!!) view; co-spread is benefitting both infection opening the door for the other virus...

In general this most likely means a higher (total)  viral load (both flu and CoViD-virus) so more disease...Since the respitory system is the main route into the body (upper/lower) respitory infections will increase...A throat infection may be "bad" a lung-infection can kill..

The respitory system is only a first route...the virus-combi may show up all over the body as "co-workers"...if one virus is stopped the other virus may find a way around the "stop" (immunity)...

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