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Ceasefire Unacceptable❌Kremlin Plans to Create a Security Zone🛡️Military Summary 2025.03.13
DJ, MS making some good points;
-Russia will create a bufferzone in UKraine to limit UKraine/NATO long(er) range attacks inside Russia...
-Belarus president/dictator lukashenko visited Putin at the same time a US delegation was in Moscow; may signal new Minsk-talks...
-Using French satellites (replacing US ones) UKraine/NATO used himars to attack more Russian civilian targets...
DJ-One of the reasons why Napoleon invaded Russia was to create a continental trade system-beat the UK. The UK was the main power risking Napoleon/France its position...
Loosing the Russian war in 1812 did end NApoleon...
The Crimean War was yet another UK-France-Türkiye conflict...limiting Russia-securing a.o. British India. (Russia and the UK had some conflicts as well in Afghanistan and western China/Uyghur-country...)
World War II losses of the Soviet Union were about 27 million both civilian and military from all war-related causes
Around 6 million Polish citizens perished during World War II: about one fifth of the entire pre-war population of Poland DJ, The Polish numbers also include Poles killed by the Soviet Army and by UKrainians working for nazi-germany. The total Soviet and Polish number also include millions of Jews).