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Post Reply - WAR

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Topic - WAR
Posted: 17 hours 25 minutes ago at 11:28pm By Dutch Josh 2 or DJ-In NL parliament 73 MP's voted against more EU-created debts for war...In part because they are against more power to the EU...

DJ-I am NOT neutral or making any claims of being "objective". (Media claiming to be objective lie !) So I do welcome the NL-SP Socialist Party voting FOR the motion against creating EU-debts for rearmament...NL-pvdd/animal rights-like German "greens" more and more are part of a war mongering pseudo-"left"...

DJ-France is restarting its rearmament to protect/balance against Germany...

The trillions wasted on wars are NOT used to improve public healthcare...UK-NHS is now under attack by a "new labour" government (following tony bliar...)

mark rutte did claim after his talks with trump NATO is still united-trump is fully behind NATO...DJ-NATO is slowly sinking into a "fourth reich"...(hitler/nazi was third reich). 

DJ, Lena Petrova, Glenn Diesen, lots of others are NOT pro Russian/Putin but pro-peace...

I do expect more protests against an elite going for defunding the public sector by creating massive debts (who does provide that money-in part a donorclass...buying politicians) for more wars...If you are against those politicians-for-sale you are "supporting terrorism and dictators"...according to politics/media-for-sale...

Democracy NEEDS different points of view...a "uni-party" and democracy=democrazy...

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