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Topic - WAR
Posted: 11 Mar 2025 at 12:15am By Dutch Josh 2
DJ, The basic conflict is a power struggle between a 10% of the global population "west" and "90% rest" of the world...

In my definition "the west"is North America/Western Europe...Japan, South Korea...even Australia may not be in a "west" position. 

The wars are "short term"-on the long run BRICS+ cooperation is "booming". 
Looking at GDP-PPP China is the #1 global economy...The EU may be the #2...

DJ, Confrontation-insanity, blind racism/white power ideology, neo-colonial trade-enforced-relations all are weakening the west...

Europe overdoing its relation with the US at the costs of European interests is bad for both the US and Europe...

For the US-still #1 in GDP (without PPP-what you can buy for the money) trade with the #1 in GDP-PPP China may be "wise". Needs balancing diplomacy NOT confrontation. 
US needs NORMAL relations with Latin America-NOT brutal criminal US backed "generals/dictators". 

US and Latin America both share a colonial history. In part even by the same colonial powers (UK, NL, Spain are all major colonial history in the present US).

Europe-again-needs NORMAL relations with Asia, Africa... or in part is Scandinavian/Viking history...

The Roman Empire -in some periods- was mainly in an economic sense-North African...(Egypt main grain producer..Roman Empire included even Ethiopia...An expedition to the sources of the Nile may have seen an Ebola-outbreak in a Roman expedition). 

Greek-Persian conflicts may remind of Alexander the Great naming cities after him even in Afghanistan .. or ; The modern name of the city derives from the name of the original city built here, Alexandria. This city (often referred to as Alexandria in Arachosia to distinguish it from other Alexandrias) was founded after the invasion of Alexander the Great in 330 BC. The name "Alexander" in the local Pashto language is rendered as "Iskandar". It is believed that over time this transformed into "Scandar", and eventually the modern "Kandahar".[9]

DJ, The northern Black Sea coast-now in UKraine-has lots of Greek history or 

So a "US-EU west" in a historical sense is "not the norm"...America-for-America and Europe as part of Eurasia/Africa land block could be more in balance...

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