or Just Have a Think;
Arctic Climate Collapse! This time it's REALLY flipped!!
The Arctic region has been a massive store of carbon for thousands of years. Now it's warming between 3 and 7 times faster than the global average and that carbon is escaping into our atmosphere. The latest research suggests that more than a third of it is now a net emitter! And in case you're wondering...that's NOT good!
DJ, El Nino would make january 2024 unusual temperatures would decrease ...well january 2025 was 1,75 C above the (1900 pre-industrial ??) baseline...
Even worse CO2 levels are speeding up with the Arctic releasing more CO2 then it takes up...Permafrost melt, wildfires only speeding up that process even faster...
Global CO2 may be over 450 within a few years...
Politics hates denial of real problems is very popular and fossil fuel funded PR is willing to sell more lies...
DJ-Like with pandemics "learning the hard way" seems to be the only available road...Problem is we may not survive...Maybe Earth is better off without humans ?