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Posted: 28 Jan 2025 at 9:21pm By Dutch Josh 2
DJ, I am NOT !!!! any kind of expert-have a limited history(teacher) background...
On this-once-a forum I try to get a very basic-far from perfect-view of "developments".

In my view diseases need a certain background to become pandemics. "Disease-transport-hosts" is optimized by a certain background. 

Wars, disasters, climate collapse do increase risks. Global stability and cooperation may limit pandemic risks. 

The "Spanish flu" without World War One may have been maybe "just a bad flu year"...not the worst pandemic in recent human history. 

In my (limited) view CoViD is -yet- not "as bad" as the Spanish flu...That flu/bacterial coinfection may have killed between 2% to 5% of the global population between 1917 and 1923. 

CoViD may have been able to infect most humans...may have resulted in close to 40 million deaths ("official" number is 7+ million with a positive CoViD test...).  However we have 8,2 billion people so 0,5% of the population dying may be seen as "limited" (and maybe HIV/AIDS ongoing pandemic since 1981 may be also close to 40 million deaths-since 1981). 

There are lots of different view points. I try to find/follow views that I think may matter...

In my view Non Pharma Intervention, masks, eye protection, ventilation-above all information- are basic. Try to limit the spread of disease as soon as possible as good as possible ! R0 <1 !

Vaccines and anti-virals have to play a limited role in pandemics. Virusses (and bacteria) find ways around those steps-so you end up in a race between vaccines and mutations...

"Living with the virus" -in case of CoViD-was a very bad idea ! Flu may result in "herd/group-immunity", CoViD does not !

You need to "balance" pandemic strategies with economy. "Saving the economy" at the cost of public health is criminal !

The climate collapse-pandemic link is complex but clear...Lots of animals/plants in increased stress/pressure finding food...Humans getting more and more in contact with wild life. 

CoViD damages immunity so a.o. Mpox did see a chance to go "global". H5N1 may have seen "room" also because of CoViD-damage in (animal) hosts. "One Health"-humans do NOT live on an island-should be basic ! H5N1 has been around for years-slowly moving towards humans...

I follow lots of sources-still I have my own basic ideas (see above)...not "neutral" but willing to learn...

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